The Future of Ag In Education

Students learning beef cattle evaluation

As cities grow and urban areas expanded into a landscape that was once rural agriculture is becoming a thought of the past. There are less students now more than ever that are out of touch with where their food comes from. The largest part of this is because the majority of people are now three generations removed from the farm. By implementing agriculture in the classroom students can get a better understanding of the large majority of our industries go back to production ag. With a growing population the advances in ag can't stop as better yields will be necessary for us to feed America. Depending on region and demographics secondary ag programs are either growing or dwindling in our school systems. However some school systems have found a use of CTE classes to reach students that may have a harder time in the traaditional classroom settings. These classrooms however can directly correlate to other core subjects as well. In agriculture there is a large discussion of biology, math, and history this can also help put these subjects into real world practical use that students may be able to understand easier. 

John Deere weed ID spraying a young corn crop

    Students may also be introduced into new technologies that allow us to produce more food on smaller land areas. GPS tractors, spot chemcial spray, weed ID monitors the list goes on and on for the new technologies that students can learn about in agriculture. As we introduce all the different avenues of modern day agriculture there is a huge oppurtunity for students to find their career path. If we ignore the need to educate the future generation on production agriculutre then our country's self sustainability can be put at risk. It is essential to develope a knowledge and even a passion in our students that will set them up for success in life which is the reason I find so much importance in becoming an agriculture teacher.
